Hiring insights
This blog was developed as a tool for Human Resources consultants to better connect with clients and candidates. Containing insights derived from the Hays Asia Salary Guide and market-specific expertise about this specialism. Read more
对话四大行业法务高管,企业渴求哪种人才?(Chinese only)
2023 经历了人工智能 (AI) 的发展、医疗行业的反腐、地缘政治的影响、消费市场的回暖,使法务工作的边界越扩越广。对于法务团队来说,不断迭代的法律法规、业务模式,也促使法务职能越来越从传统的合同审核、风险控制,深入到业务战略建议,而这也影响着企业的招聘策略。Read more
你的企业真的懂降本增效吗?HR可以着手的5大方面(Chinese only)
瀚纳仕最新一期围绕企业解决方案客户的调研显示:43% 的 CEO、人力资源和人才领导者认为,经济不确定性是企业在未来一年所要面临的“最大挑战”。所以,我们该如何做到在削减成本的同时,始终保持高品质呢? Read more
How to manage your multi-generational workforce: 3 top tips for leaders
Are you leveraging the benefits of age diversity within your workforce strategy? Here are three top tips for leaders looking to leverage the skills and (varied) experience of their people.Read more
Navigating China's Cyber Security Landscape Today
Today’s businesses are savvier with cyber security, with 77% of global leaders reporting more awareness today compared to three years ago. But what of the situation locally? Read more
87% 的高管认为他们的企业不能自信地招聘数字技能人才。随着人工智能快速发展带来的影响,加上人才市场更多元化,以目前的形势来看,与 2023 年上半年也大不相同...阅读更多
业财融合,带你解锁财务人才mapping (Chinese only)
奔涌而来的数字化浪潮中,未来的财务职能有哪些趋势? “ 业财融合 ” 对人才能力有什么要求?技能短缺、经济不确定的情况下,企业如何与人才保持同频,敏捷出击,延揽人才?阅读更多
出海下半场,人才如何助力医疗器械企业“乘风破浪”?(Chinese only)
对话《财新周刊》,畅谈创新药人才挑战 (Chinese only)
高精尖制造业狂飙突进,人才机遇凸显 (Chinese only)
从全球趋势来看,新一轮的科技与产业革命中制造业将成为重点。从国内环境来看,2023 年,随着疫情防控政策的放开,在宏观政策利好的驱动下,以高端制造、绿色产业为代表的制造业,在中国将迎来更大发展空间。阅读更多
Not all immigration is bad
Our increasingly open world is now changing and over the past few years, we’ve all seen how changing political landscapes have focused increasingly on immigration. Countries need to be opening their borders to skilled workers. Read more
Introducing the New World of Recruitment
In this digital age, one-to-one, personalised communication is increasingly expected by customers. As such, we know that there is no substitute for the long-term one-to-one relationships our consultants build with candidates across sectors, and indeed throughout their entire careers, even when they’re not actively looking for new roles. Read more
The employers need candidate with strong ablity to learn urgently
Jobseekers need to be aware of the changing profile of the ideal candidate, with learning aptitude – or the ability to learn – the next battle ground in the war for talent. Read more
AI will be a big part of our future – but what does that mean for business searching for talent?
By 2020, it’s predicted that businesses across the world will spend a combined $47bn on artificial intelligence (AI), and it appears that...Read more